Analytics Explore

Dashmir Osmani
  • Updated

Who has access to analytics?

  • Pro user or Contact Center Agent in an organization with the Unlimited telephony package.
  • Pro user or Contact Center Agent in an organization with the Light telephony package can purchase the Analytics add-on service.
  • The user must have the Telephony System permission and/or the Analytics permission.

Open analytics

  • Click on ANALYTICS 2.svg

In many cases, it is more cost-effective to upgrade the PBX package from Light to Unlimited rather than buying the add-on which is included in the package.

General Information

  • Analytics is a smart tool that allows you to analyze your call flows to streamline your business. Choose metrics according to your KPIs and you are good to go!

  • Pro-users with the permission Analytics (under Features) can see and analyze all answering groups in the organization regardless of whether they are an agent, supervisor or nothing in any of the groups.

  • Follow the guide, under add-ons

    You need to have the account permission to be able to buy add-ons.

How to Use Analytics

  1. Select the Answer Group or users you want to analyze. If you choose to analyze a answer group, you will also gain access to agent statistics for that specific group. On the other hand, if you choose users, you get statistics on all of the user's calls.
  2. Choose the desired time period.
  3. Adjust time intervals & thresholds (if necessary).
  4. Choose whether to include missed calls or exclude early cancle. The default threshold for early cancel is 10 seconds, unless otherwise specified. This means that calls ending before reaching the threshold are not included.
  5. Select the answer group or users you want to analyze.
  6. Click on Search.

Adjust Metrics

  • By clicking on EYE.svg you can choose to include or exclude various metrics.

Export Data in Analytics

  1. Click on VERTICAL ELIPSIS.svg
  2. Choose to download Excel file.

Do you also want to export reports and schedule exports so that you receive them exactly when you need them? Click here to access the guide.

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