Audio & video devices

Dashmir Osmani
  • Updated

Access Audio & video devices

To access audio & video devices, click SETTINGS_GEAR.svgand expand the list Audio & video devices under telephony.

Headset integration

  • To use your Poly headset's features, you need to enable the integration between the app and Poly (Plantronics). To enable:

    1. Download the Poly hub here and install the software
    2. Once installed, launch the software
    3. Toggle ON.svgto connect your headset in the app
    4. If you have a Poly headset it will automatically select it
  • To use your Jabra headset's features, you need to enable the integration between the app and Jabra. To enable:

    1. Download Jabra direct here and install the software
    2. Once installed, launch the software
    3. Toggle ON.svgto connect your headset in the app
    4. If you have a Jabra headset it will automatically select it

Change your microphone & starred devices

    1. Click on MIC.svg to expand the list
    2. Choose the mic you would like to use
    1. To star a mic, click STAR.svg to expand the list
    2. Click STAR_OUTLINE.svgon the mic you want to star and it should look like this STAR.svg
    To arrange the priority order on your microphones, click DRAG.svg and drag them in the order you want them to connect when active
  • Background noise suppression* is on ON.svg by default. You can toggle off OFF.svg the function if desired 

    Applies to calls made via the desktop- and Android app.

Change your speaker

    1. Click on SPEAKER.svg to expand the list
    2. Choose the speaker you would like to use
    1. To star a speaker, click STAR.svg to expand the list
    2. Click STAR_OUTLINE.svgon the mic you want to star and it should look like this STAR.svg
    To arrange the priority order on your speakers, click DRAG.svg and drag them in the order you want them to connect when active.
  • To disable sound on incoming calls toggle off OFF.svg. To change your speaker for incoming calls toggle off OFF.svg and choose the one you like from the list.

Change your camera

    1. Click on VIDEO.svg to expand the list
    2. Choose the camera you would like to use
    1. To star a camera, click STAR.svg to expand the list
    2. Click STAR_OUTLINE.svgon the camera you want to star and it should look like this STAR.svg
    To arrange the priority order on your cameras, click DRAG.svg and drag them in the order you want them to connect when active.

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