Start / pause recording

Dashmir Osmani
  • Updated

Who can start / pause a recording?

There is two types of permission to start / pause recording. One for users and one for answer groups.

How to start / pause a recording 

First of all, you need to be in a call or conference (audio only) to start / pause recording. 

    1. Click REC.svg (It's white when not recording)
    2. The icon should now be red and pulsing
    3. Click again to pause
    1. Tap REC.svg (It's white when not recording)
    2. The icon should now be red and pulsing
    3. Tap again to pause

If you pause a recording and then start it again you will have two soundfiles in the log. The is a feature to use when you need to censor some of the content of the conversation

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