Reswitch 1.11.0

Dashmir Osmani
  • Uppdaterad

Release notes Reswitch 1.11.0

  • QUICK_NAVIGATOR.svgUpdate live: 2021-09-01
  • SETTINGS_GEAR.svg Platforms: All 

What's new?

  • We have released call recording with two licenses. For users & for answer groups. Read all about it here. 

  • Say hello to our call log, a super smart function that's included for all organisations with the Unlimited package. You'll have all the data, filter options, an overview on top agents and much more. 

  • Sometimes you need to have a conference ad-hoc, that's why we built the ad-hoc conference which allows you to create a conference from the chat / channel 

  • A positive effect of our call log launch is multi-select, now available in answer groups and the call log. 



Bug fixes & alterations

  • We made some adjustments on calls via the desktop app. Calls should now connect quicker. 

  • Did you notice that your notifications lingered sometimes? Sorry about that, now a notification will be marked as read. 

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